Call Us: (214) 240-5269

Perhaps you already walk your dog all over Savannah or perhaps you are unable to walk your dog on a regular basis.  Either way, hiring a Savannah Dog Walker to walk your dog will provide your pooch with more exercise, mental stimulation, and fun!

What does a Dog Walker Do?

A dog walk with our team will include plenty of opportunity for an enriching exercise experience.  Not only will we get your pups out of the house, but they will enjoy the opportunity to potty, play, get a drink and a nibble of food/treats (as instructed) and pose for some adorable photos too!

Our Savannah Dog Walkers ONLY provide Solo walks – this means we will never combine your pup’s walk with dogs from a different household.   The safety of your pup is a top priority, as such, we will keep your dog on a leash throughout the entire walk.

We combine Exercise Walks with Mental Stimulation by encouraging both an enthusiastic pace with the opportunity to sniff along the way!  The enrichment your dog experiences with the opportunity to sniff is just as important to their brain health has exercise is to their overall health.

We never allow dog-to-dog interactions (outside of your immediate family) on walks, nor do we allow physical human interaction with strangers.

During times of extreme weather (extreme temperatures, unsafe storm conditions, unsafe snow/ice conditions) we will allow ample potty time outside, then spend the rest of the visit playing and cuddling indoors.

How much does a Savannah Dog Walker Cost?

Dog Walking services are generally dependent upon the length of the walk and the number of dogs in the household.  Price is also based on the frequency of walks and can be adjusted based on the time of day the walk is needed.

(Check Out “How Much Does a Dog Walker in Savannah Texas Cost” for more pricing information for Savannah, Texas)

You can call us at 214-240-5269, Contact Us or Visit our Dog Walking Page for specific price information for Fur Services Fur Pets Dog Walking Visits.

Where is My Dog Walked in Savannah?

Savannah residents are surrounded by picturesque street walks and beautiful walking trails.  We believe in changing up your dog’s walk route a little bit each time to prevent boredom and encourage a more stimulating experience.  We walk on Savannah neighborhood sidewalks and on the closest walking trails depending on the length of the walk you have scheduled.  In Savannah, no walk is gets old!

Dog Walking in Savannah Texas

What Happens When I Meet my Dog Walker?

A complimentary Meet-n-Greet is a necessary and fun opportunity to get to know us, our team and Fur Services Fur Pets in general!  We encourage questions 😊.

We also take this opportunity to find out more about your pup.  During the Meet-n-Greet we’ll find out:

  • Where you keep your dog’s leash and harness
  • Where your dog is kept when you aren’t home
  • What your pup’s food/treat routine is
  • If your pup has any special needs we should be aware of while walking
  • Go over how we will access your home and how to operate your security alarm (if applicable)

It is important to note that until further notice, our team will wear a mask during all Meet-n-Greets.  We ask that all humans wear one as well.  😊

How Do I Know My Dog Was Walked?

Fur Services Fur Pets clients LOVE our Client Portal and Report Cards!  After each Walk, you will receive an emailed Report Card with a synopsis of how the visit went, what your pup did, confirmation of potty, and even some adorable photos!

Clients who download our customer app receive instant notifications to their mobile devices upon visit completion.  Our visits and walks are GPS and Time Tracked and this information can be requested at any time.

Fur Services Fur Pets Savannah Dog Walker

Whether you are gone for a long day at work, on back to back Conference Calls while working from home or out for the day about town – you can request Savannah Dog Walking services easily online or through our app at any time!  We offer early morning, daytime and evening walks seven days a week – including most major holidays for your convenience and your pup’s well being!

To book your Savannah Dog Walker give us a call at 214-240-5269, Contact Us, or Login to your Existing Client Portal Account.

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